Insomnicsy finally met Dreamcatcher


Well, it finally happened.

If you are a Somnia, you are undoubtedly aware of the YouTuber Insomnicsy. Her content is exclusively comprised of Dreamcatcher videos. Her editing and production choices are remarkable, and her intro guides and "This is" series (updated annually) are extremely well thought-out.

And she's been doing this for years. On occasion, Dreamcatcher will mention her videos, but I've never heard them mention the channel specifically. I don't usually comment on videos, but I've mentioned a few times on her videos that I really think the Dreamcatcher company should coordinate with her. She is a true influencer in the best meaning of the word. She's also extremely kind and wholesome without being cringy. This is very rare in the Kpop fandom.

And now we see that she has met them in person! I was a LITTLE disappointed that they didn't know more about her, but she got warm receptions across the board. I hope it was everything Insomicsy wanted the encounter to be.

How many other YouTubers are this dedicated to a group? I've seen some Twice channels, but suggest some more, although I bet it will be hard to find channels that are THIS dedicated AND have the eye for editing and content.

You can check out Insomnicsy's channel HERE. 


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